KAZI News & Inspiration

Thank You for Your Impact Across Africa in 2020
Through all the hardships and uncertainty of the past year our investors, staff, partners, customers and artisans came together – helping lift more than 36,000 lives. We want to recognize you and the social impact your purchases and engagement made during 2020.
Meet Speciose, KAZI Master Craftsman
Meet Speciose. She's paid for health insurance, clothes, food and improved her house. She received training on savings with KAZI and after she started to save set her sights on buying a motorcycle that she can use for transportation.
Millions Face Hunger in Africa as COVID Lockdowns are Extended
One Small African Artisan Partner, KAZI is Working to Help
KAZI Transforms Lives: A Firsthand Account of KAZI’s Social Impact
When you purchase with KAZI, you invest in our artisans, their families, and their communities, transforming their lives and fostering hope in a brighter future.